Spotted human fine-tuning of technology – Rescue operation of 33 miners in Chile

Watching the rescue operation of 33 miners in Chili. Real time web casting by BBC. Thanks to ICT!

Impressive images. They were locked in the underground of 700 m deep for 69 days.

A capsule, named “Fénix 2” (Phoenix in English, nice name!), goes up and down to carefully bring miners back one by one.

Spotted a rescue worker’s tough-duty shoe  put on the rope of the capsule, when it goes down to pick up the miners. It looks like that this man is adding a final control to the tension (or speed) of the rope hanging a capsule. This is another evidence that technologies work well when fine tuned by human beings.

投稿者: Yoshiko KURISAKI (栗崎由子)

I am Yoshiko Kurisaki, Japanese, executive consultant specialising in cross-cultural management between Europe and Japan. Having lived in Europe for about 30 years, I'm back to Japan. Culture may be a stop factor in business. On the contrary, if you go beyond that, culture is a valuable source of inspirations and innovation. I help European businesses to turn cultural barriers to innovation.   栗崎由子(くりさき よしこ) 本当に使えるビジネス英語の活用コンサルタント。欧州で30年間、世界230か国以上の人々と仕事をして体得した本物の国際コミュニケーションのコツをお教えします。あなたの仕事が進みます、交渉が捗ります。無料相談(30分)はこちらからどうぞ →
